Be happy! Be Happy NOW!


Are you happy?
If you are not happy, read on.

If you are happy, do you 
know someone who is not?

A friend, family member, relative, 
lover, neighbor, acquaintance? 

Would you like to see yourself, or 
someone else, happy/happier?

Get the Happiness Download!

Thanks to modern technology, and the Happiness Download, you can make yourself, or someone you know and care about, a happier/happier person. In as little as 1 hour. Now, with the help of modern technology, you can be happy - now - and for the rest of your life. You can even give the gift of happiness! To yourself and others. 

You can now help yourself, or someone else, be happy/happier, with the Happiness Download! It's fast and easy to get. 

The Happiness Download 

What is it?
I am the author of 20 life improvement books and a blogger since 2009. I have now created and developed a new digital download called the Happiness Download. It’s a 50-page copyrighted digital download, is designed to offer individuals straightforward, actionable strategies for achieving happiness immediately—not in months or weeks but within as little as one hour—without the need for study, classes, diets, pills, exercises, or any additional costs

The Happiness Download is easy to understand and easy to implement. It is compatible with any/all devices that can download a pdf and open it. 

It is designed to provide both immediate and lasting happiness to adults. It is designed for individuals over the age of 21, with at least a bit of real-world experience. 

It is in English and is applicable to individuals nationwide and internationally. And it's a pdf not an EPUB or Kindle ebook; that means you don't need a special ebook reader app to open and use it!

The Happiness Download has been evaluated and approved by AI

Here is what ChatGPT had to say after I submitted my happiness principles: 

June 2024: "Those are definitely some excellent ingredients for happiness! Each of those actions can contribute positively to one's well-being and overall happiness." – ChatGPT 

How much does it cost?
How much does happiness cost? A fast and easy way that can change your life and can make someone happy/happier, quickly, and over a lifetime? How much does it cost?

Thousands of dollars?
Hundreds of dollars?

I have kept it affordable. Very affordable. Because I want to help people improve their lives. I want to help make the world a happy/happier place, one person at a time. 

Right now, TODAY, the Happiness Download costs only $12Only $12? Yes. Don't miss out on this priceless gift;  get it, try it, and make yourself, or someone you care about, a happy/happier person.

How can you get and give the Happiness Download? 
It's easy and affordable to be happier/happier. I have made it conveniently available as a digital download pdf. How do you get the Happiness Download? 

How to proceed
Click on one of the payment buttons below to purchase the Happiness Download for $12. My paypal account is CoolTools. After you pay you will immediately receive a Thank You page with the download link on it. Wait 10 seconds and you'll be automatically forwarded to where you can download it (it's safely hosted on Google Drive).  

It’s then ready to be read and implemented, to provide happiness to the person who reads it. For you, or someone you would like to help be happy/happier. No waiting. No shipping! No special EPUB or Kindle reading app needed! Get the Happiness Download. You can read it yourself first. Make yourself happy/happier. Then, you can gift it someone you know who could be happier. To gift it to someone, after you download it, just send them an email, attaching the Happiness Download pdf

Get happy. Be happy. Stay Happy. 
Real happiness. For yourself. Or someone else. 
 Get the Happiness Download today! For only $12.

free excerpts

Here are excerpts from the Happiness Download. The evolutionary revolutionary digital download document that can make the world a happier place. 


Stage 1

Prepare for Happiness

The world’s biggest problem?

¨ poverty

¨ hunger

¨ disease

¨ pollution

¨ overpopulation

¨ environmental abuse

¨ greed

¨ politics

¨ war

¨ materialism

¨ lack of freedom

¨ illiteracy

¨ smoking

¨ drugs

¨ stupidity

¨ other

Unhappiness is the world’s biggest problem. Unhappiness can lead to war, murder, crime, hate, envy, jealousy and other nasties. 

We can change that. We can solve the world’s biggest problem. We can make the world a better place. A happier place. How do you change the world? You change the world one person at a time. Starting with YOU. Let’s make YOU happy! NOW - and for the rest of your life. Can you do it? Yes! Do you deserve it? Yes!

What is happiness?

Happiness is a state of mind. An emotion. A feeling. A reaction. There’s even a part of our brain where happiness is triggered. When we are happy that part of our brain “lights up“.

There are 2 types of happiness; temporary or instant happiness and overall long term happiness. Temporary happiness occurs when something pleasant happens to us; we get a raise, a compliment, win something, etc. Temporary or instant happiness is fleeting and wears off or disappears rapidly. Temporary happiness is a short term feeling or emotion and is usually triggered by a particular event. Overall long term happiness occurs when we feel good because things are going well over a period of time and we are happy with our life. Overall happiness is a long-term feeling and is normally based on our own subjective viewpoint about our life. We have learned this early in life, from our parents, school, friends, work, et al. From society. Well, guess what? Society gets it WRONG. Happiness does not have to be based on outside influences, or inner falsehoods.

The Happiness Download reveals the simple true secrets about both types of happiness. The Happiness Download will reveal the simple secrets of how to be temporarily happy - now - and how to be happy long term.

The benefits of happiness

The benefits of happiness are numerous, natural and healthful. According to experts, just feeling happy can produce a tremendous lift to your spirits, can be good for your immune system, can boost your brain function, reduce stress and can open the door to attracting good things. 

Do you want it?

Do you want to be happy? Do you REALLY want to be happy? The reason for this question is because some people may not want to be happy or may not be ready to be happy. How is that possible? Some people may be more comfortable being unhappy, they may be used to being unhappy, their life may be built around being unhappy. Being happy, if you are not used to it, is a new feeling. It can be a little unsettling, even a little scary.

To go from unhappy to happy is a change. A big change. A good change but a big change. Your life will be different. YOU will be different. You’ll be happier. And you’ll have to get used to that. The great news it that happiness is something truly valuable, truly priceless, and is not hard to get used to.

You can’t force someone to be happy. In order to be happy a person has to allow it, has to want it. In order to be happy you have to WANT to be happy.  It sounds stupid but it’s true.

Have you had enough of being unhappy? Are you ready to give up unhappiness and trade it for happiness?  Do you WANT to be happy?  Now?  If you answered Yes you are ready to proceed.  You are ready to be happy.



Happiness is largely based on perception. From childhood we learn that our happiness is dependent on outside forces. We base our feelings on how well we think the world is treating us. In the American culture we learn that happiness may be based on how successful we are, our status in life, or maybe how much “stuff” we own, and how good or bad our partnerships, marriage and family (and work) is going. This viewpoint is often reinforced throughout our lifetime by our parents, social media, work, friends, family, and society. As a result, the pressure to perform is often enormous, the pressure to be successful is often intense.  In America and around the world the happiness bar is set so high that few can attain or sustain the heights of happiness. Add to that the psychological hurts inflicted on us by circumstances and people as we go through life and it’s no wonder so many people are unhappy or not as happy as they would like to be.

All that is about to change. The good news is, with the Happiness Download, being happy is easy, it's fast and it doesn't cost you a lot of money!

Can you be happy all the time? 

No. Having an overall positive happy outlook does not mean that you will be happy all the time. The idea that you can be happy ALL the time is unrealistic. And there are situations where happiness is not appropriate; you probably don’t want to be smiling and laughing at a funeral (most cultures). You could choose to do that but it also might be considered highly inappropriate.

Life has its ups and downs and sometimes you will feel sad or unhappy.  That is normal. Sadness or grief or unhappiness are common appropriate reactions to outside forces or bad things that happen to us and an appropriate time period is necessary to emotionally process and deal with these types of issues. A prolonged sustained period of unhappiness is another matter. If you are depressed or unhappy for a long time and it is interfering with your ability to function or enjoy life it is time to seek professional help. It’s time to call your doctor.  




Stage 2

Attaining Happiness

The goal of life

What is the goal of life? The goal of life is happiness. Happiness. That's what we're all seeking. That's how we're made. The goal of life is happiness. Think about it. That is what you (and everyone else) is really striving for in life. To be happy. All of us, every single one of us on the planet, wants most of all, to be happy. 

True long-term happiness does not come from money or a big house or a luxury automobile or a face-lift or a big job or being popular or handsome or pretty or having lots of clothes or expensive toys. True happiness comes from within.

The goal of life is happiness.

It's what every parent wants for their children. Ultimately, good parents just want their children to grow up and be happy.

In the end you don’t want or need to be the richest or most powerful person, you want to be the happiest person in your community.

In the end you don’t want to be the meanest nastiest person, you want to be the happiest person in your community/world.

In the end you don’t want to be one of the unhappy people, you want to be one of the happy people.

The goal of life is happiness. That goal can be reached. It can be reached NOW.

Be happy

Learn how to be happy right now…and for the rest of your life. It's easy, it's fast, and yes, it can work!

Get happy. Be happy. Stay happy. The Happiness Download shows you how. Don't delay, be happy today!

about the author

 The creator/author

Andrew Lawrence 

In his life, Andrew has extensive experience in the real world and in the creative arts. In his earlier adult life he moved from a a rural community to New York City and worked at Wall Street investment bankers and dealers, large commercial banks and businesses on both US coasts. He co-managed investment trading portfolios of $800 million ($3.6 billion in today's money) and, after a career on Wall Street, he was in international marketing and sales. As the U. S. Vice President of an international firm which was based in London he was instrumental in presenting the 1984 Olympic Games to the world in 26 languages as well as being a fundamental part of the renovation of the Statue of Liberty.

Later in life, he evolved spiritually and creatively, and became dedicated to helping others, and is the author of more than 20 self-help/life improvement books, nonfiction books that can improve your life–fast

He is a member of the Non-Fiction Authors Association.

He has an Amazon author page.

He is also a blogger, since 2009. https://StuPittStuff.com 

He is also a fine art photographer, bringing artful colorful beauty to the world with over 3,800 photos in his portfolio. His cool color photos may be viewed at Fine Art America

The culmination of his life is the Happiness Download.

Andrew humorously says, "It's not about me being a brilliant, likeable and creative person. It's the world-changing Happiness Download that matters."


Creator  and copyright owner Andrew Lawrence

contact: info@happinessdownload.com